
The following is a copy of Chin Peng's farewell letter obtained by Malaysiakini's correspondent in Bangkok:
“My dear Comrades, my dear Compatriots,
When you read this letter, I am no more in this world.
It was my original intention to pass away quietly and let my relatives handle the funeral matters in private. However, the repercussions of erroneous media reports of me in critical condition during October 2011, had persuaded me that leaving behind such a letter is desirable.
Ever since I joined the Communist Party of Malaya and eventually became its secretary-general, I have given both my spiritual and physical self in the service of the cause that my party represented, that is, to fight for a fairer and better society based on socialist ideals. Now with my passing away, it is time that my body be returned to my family.
I draw immense comfort in the fact that my two children are willing to take care of me, a father who could not give them family love, warmth and protection ever since their birth. I could only return my love to them after I had relinquished my political and public duties, ironically only at a time when I have no more life left to give to them as a father.
It was regrettable that I had to be introduced to them well advanced in their adulthood as a stranger. I have no right to ask them to understand, nor to forgive. They have no choice but to face this harsh reality. Like families of many martyrs and comrades, they too have to endure hardship and suffering not out of their own doing, but out of a consequence of our decision to challenge the cruel forces in the society which we sought to change.
It is most unfortunate that I couldn't, after all, pay my last respects to my parents buried in hometown of Sitiawan (in Perak), nor could I set foot on the beloved motherland that my comrades and I had fought so hard for against the aggressors and colonialists.
My comrades and I had dedicated out lives to a political cause that we believed in and had to pay whatever price there was as a result. Whatever consequences on ourselves, our family and the society, we would accept with serenity.
In the final analysis, I wish to be remembered simply as a good man who could tell the world that he had dared to spend his entire life in pursuit of his own ideals to create a better world for his people.
It is irrelevant whether I succeeded or failed, at least I did what I did. Hopefully the path I had walked on would be followed and improved upon by the young after me. It is my conviction that the flames of social justice and humanity will never die.
Farewell, my dear Comrades!
Farewell, my dear Compatriots!
Farewell, my dear Motherland!”
Sumber: fb Anti Semua Salah UMNO (ASSU)
Pendapat saya: Surat orang yang nak mati, bunyinya biasa macam tulah, tapi yang kelakarnya dia mengaku tanah air dia adalah Tanah Melayu (Malaysia kini) sedangkan dia tidak pernah memohon untuk menjadi rakyat negara ini. Dia perlu ingat bahawa dia lahir semasa pemerintah British dan dia menjadi 'British subject' dan keadaan ini sama dengan saya kerana saya dilahirkan di Singapura dan semasa memohon untuk membuat Kad Pengenalan Malaysia secara tidak langsung ayah saya memohon untuk saya menjadi rakyat negara ini. Maka saya menjadi rakyat Malaysia walaupun ini bukannya tanah tumpahnya darah saya.
Kalau dah dia bukan rakyat negara ini, dia perlu mendapatkan kelulusan untuk masuk ke negara ini. Jangan ada pihak yang mengada-gada untuk membawa dia masuk, perlu diingat dia menyebabkan ramai orang Melayu iaitu penduduk asal negara ini terbunuh dengan kejam dan zalim. Tidak sedar diri, dia merempat di negara orang dan membuat onar pula dengan kejahatan dia. Rakyat negara ini terutamanya orang Melayu memang baik, kerana menerima keturunan/ sandara mara dia (dalam DAP dan PAS) di negara ini dan menjadi wakil rakyat pulak tu. Hairan saya memikirkan orang Melayu yang pernah dizalimi oleh Chin Peng masih mengundi untuk keturunan Chin Peng ini. Nanti apabila negara ini dapat ditawan oleh DAP baru mereka tahu langit itu tinggi atau rendah.
Semasa 13 Mei saya dan keluarga saya tidak merasainya kerana kami tinggal di dalam kem tentera (ayah saya seorang tentera) tetapi saudara mara saya di kampong teruk dikerjakan oleh PKM, ramai saudara saya dibunuh dengan ditembak, diseksa dan dipancung. Kini baru saya dapat mengagak bahawa keluarga Cina yang menetap sama di kampong itu mungkin menjadi tali barut PKM, keadaan ini sama sahaja dengan apa yang berlaku sekarang ini. Mereka tidak dapat berjuang di dalam PKM jadi mereka berjuang di dalam DAP.
Saya harap sangat agar orang Melayu cepat sedar dan menolehlah semula ke belakang dan melihat sejarah. Bukalah sedikit hati dan berdoakan agar Allah memberikan sedikit hidayah untuk mengetahui kebenarannya. Ingatlah peribahasa ini "Menyesal dahulu pendapatan, menyesal kemudian tiada guna".
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