29 December 2011

Maybe It Is Our Fate?????

Early this morning, I was awakened by a friend said that, KPPA was informed that the SBPA will be continued on 1st January 2012, and the SBPA will be studied within 3 months, unfortunately may be the study did not include the salary review. I think many pa will be disappointed, but back to the concept of life - I accept it as a fate even I am very disappointed. Should I realize who we are!!!!

To all friends and pa, I do not see another solution after the failure by CUEPACS to convince the Government that the SBPA should be reviewed. From our moral decline and lead to impaired work - it is better for us to change our assumption that what we are doing just because of Allah so that Allah will helps us live more happiness and in charity. Whatever the content of the real world, not be carried to the grave.

For me ... I will start a vacation with my family, and will forget what happened recently and hope on 31st December 2011 I will start with a better life.

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