09 August 2014

Breaking: Russian Satellite Imagery on MH17 (Black Box and New Evidence)

Black Box Proves Missile Didn’t Do It

… by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Scroll down for our update on “explosive decompression” and aircraft cannon coverage. Simply put, shrapnel or “fragmentation” can’t blow an airplane apart. Bullets have little effect and even blowing out a door or window won’t do much. However, a moderate bomb can do much, as you can check below. A bigger bomb now seems to be the answer and, just perhaps, the missile seen below as a way of trying to blame Russia.

Read the new material supplied by Los Alamos National Labs. If you have questions, list them and we will endeavor to get you the answers.

Reporting on Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 has become childish, irresponsible and many have actually decided to invent wild stories even worse than the government/AIPAC lies.

Some such stories are on Veterans Today, stories totally unresearched, stories that are groundless and based on speculation and bad brain chemistry. Such stories push our editorial limits as they are no more than spam.

We have made note of several findings thus far. We have noted that were a missile used, an exhaust trail would have been visible for many miles and would have been photographed. It was not and, thus, never existed. Locals were questioned, none saw a launch nor exhausts.

The Russians have finally allowed someone to send us their video of MH17. Judge for yourself. We stick to “bomb” but are taking this under advisement:

[ Note: What you will be watching below is not a black and white image but infrared one. Hotter items show up as white. What looks like a launch smoke plume is not...but the infared heat signature. If you rewatch it and freeze at the beginning you will see the white hot spot dot where the launcher was in the tree line. There is a smoke plume, very visible, loud, and more visible as it gets higher...Jim W. Dean ]

For more please read: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/07/27/notes-on-mh17/

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