
17 May 2012

Spring Clean Your Home and Mind

By: Jana Melpolder

Perfect Homemaker? Not A Chance!

Spring cleaning could be a time of dread for some people. But cleaning doesn't have to be a chore. It can be a tiny awakening to newness and clarity. Whether you want to clean your office, one room, or your entire house, takethese five steps to clean out your home and your mind. Be grateful for what you have but
  don't let your "stuff" rule your life!

Step 1: Know What You Want to Change

Clean Your Home

Set a goal for what you want to clean. Is it one room, one closet, or your whole house? Ask yourself why you have so much. Are you trying to hide something painful? Knowing why you have so much clutter could help you avoid buying more stuff in the future.

Clean Your Mind

Be willing to forgive yourself for getting rid of old gifts or items that you bought (or that someone bought for you). People care about you and they would rather have you be happy than have you grudgingly keep all the presents that you never used.

Step 2: Just Get Rid of It!

We could all learn to live with less stuff. If you haven't used something in the past six months, it's time to get rid of it! Be honest with yourself and give away all those items you have not used. You'll soon see that it can be very liberating!

Your Home

Chances are that you have a lot more than you need. Challenge yourself by only keeping the things that you have recently used. Once you've gone through your stuff and you know what you'll give away, don't wait to take your bags or boxes to the Goodwill Stores nearby. The sooner you get rid of your excess stuff, the better you will feel!

Your Mind

Feel like your mind is just as cluttered as your home? Think positive thoughts and, if you need to, clean up the way you talk to yourself. Remember that you are valued and loved and should live a life in which you are kind to yourself. As you pick up one item to throw or give away, say to yourself something like "I deserve to be living in a clean environment".

Step 3: Sweep (or Scrub) Away the Debris

So far you've outlined your goals and donated your excess stuff - now it's time to clean up! Gather your broom, mop, cleaning supplies and determination.

Your Home

Don't think of sweeping and scrubbing as an exhausting chore. Turn up your favorite music or pop in your favorite DVD so you'll have something pleasant going on in the background. Scrub your counters, sweep your floors, and you'll soon see how lovely your space can be!

Your Mind

Spring cleaning can be more than just a time to clean and polish your home - make it a time celebrate your own beauty! Give yourself a manicure, take a long bath, buy a mud mask or just take a well-deserved nap.

Step 4: Organize Your Environment

Your Home

Place only a few of your favorite knicknacks where you'll be able to see them. Complement your newly clean and clear spaces with items that make you happy. It will start to feel like a space or room you'll want to keep coming back to!

Your Mind

Just as your material "stuff" is now prioritized, try to balance your own emotional needs with the needs of the people around you. Your family and friends love you, and they need you to be a person that loves himself or herself. Caring about yourself will help keep you from being emotionally and mentally drained later on.

Step 5: Celebrate Your Goals and Yourself

It's time to sit back and enjoy the work you've done. Grab a cup of your favorite tea and delight in your clean room, office, or home. Keep the positivity going both in your home and in your mind. Hopefully this new change will help you become a happier person.

Your Home

Want to keep your clean environment the way it is? Just be sure to keep your surfaces cleared off, dust or sweep every so often, and try not to buy anything that will clutter the space. You've done a great job so far - keep it up!

Your Mind

Remember that you are important and appreciated. Reward yourself often in creative ways. Go on a walk and enjoy the outdoors. Take a trip with your family. Cook your favorite meal. Write down new goals you want to reach and find a friend that will encourage you to reach those goals. Just remember that you are valued and deserve to live in a clean home, both in the spring and all year long!
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