
05 May 2012

Power of The Flowers

Written by Jennifer E. Jones, Inspiration Editor and lover of the lotus flower

Stop and Smell the Roses: Learn from nature's beauty. These flowers are not only lovely when they're in full bloom, but they also have meanings that can encourage you along life's journey.
Orchid ~ Beautiful Strength: Have confidence and don't hide in the background. There is a strength in your beauty!

Rose ~ Love: The most beautiful of flowers, the rose inspires us to love each other. Be the very essence of love with your kindness, patience and willingness to endure.

Gardenia ~ Grace: Be graceful. Forgive others freely and be most patient with yourself.

Iris ~ Faith: Have faith. Believe in the impossible and never give up on the dreams of your heart.

Lilac ~ Youth: Let your inner child run wild! Remember the days when you were innocent and carefree and discover that you are still that hopefully, wide-eyed kid at heart.

Lily ~ New Life: No matter what feels dead in your life, you can experience a refreshing and newness. Let the lily blossom hope inside of you.

Poppy ~ Imagination: Let your eyes be open to all the different opportunities you have. Dream big!

Lotus ~ Purity: If you're feeling used up and damaged, know that your soul is pure. You're perfect and whole just the way you are.

Sunflower ~ Happiness: Find the joy in your life with this happy flower. Take a lesson from the sunflower, stand tall and smile!

Violet ~ Humble : Get rid of that "me-first" attitude. Be humble and watch opportunities rise to meet you.

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