
05 January 2012

What did my dream mean?

Tell me what you dreamed!

Everybody, with very rare exceptions, has from four to seven dreams a night, depending on a variety of factors, including how long you sleep each night.
Scientists have learned that people dream in cycles with stages from light sleep through deeper levels, then reverse the process. When they’ve returned to the lightest stage again, the first "Rapid Eye Movement" stage briefly occurs ... along with a dream.

Scientists have discovered that some sort of process occurs at other stages of sleep as well.But these studies don’t add much to what dreams mean. Dreams are highly personal. You are the best interpreter of your own. Let's tap that wondrous inner source of wisdom! So, pull up your covers, tap into your unique nightly adventures...And shine a spotlight on your dreams!

A picture is worth a thousand words!

After you’ve first looked at the dream as a whole, you can — especially if you’re still having trouble with the meaning — look at it in many additional ways to find what technique or combination of them works best for you. One way is to look at the pictures in your dream. A woman dreamed that she had a bee buzzing around in her upswept hair; a man dreamed that a bear pushed him off the roof.

Sound strange?

If you know that the woman had a “bee in her bonnet” (was irritated) the day before and that the man is a stock investor in danger from a falling or "bear" market, these dreams make sense.

Think of the elements in your dream as concrete depictions of abstract concepts (or figures of speech).

Most dreams or parts of dreams are simply ideas expressed in symbolic language. Also, they may be something like a picture puzzle -- for example, a graphic image of a house with wings ... a house fly!

The people in your dreams

Most of the time the people you dream about are familiar: they’re family, friends, people you work with, characters you read about or see on TV, or folks from your past such as your third grade teacher or an old love. Sometimes the people you dream about can be surprising or even startling. Why would you dream about your boss riding a camel to the Sphinx? These various people show up to teach you different things about yourself or your life situation. Although occasionally these folks appear as themselves, most of the time they’re symbolic of something else altogether.

Most often the people in your dream represent:

1. Some aspect of your personality or behavior projected onto other people, or
2. Some general quality or situation personified by the actor

Are you receiving a warning?

Some dreams warn of upcoming ill health.Think of them as an alarm system that goes off before a disease or illness appears. We are mind, body, and spirit - and that body is made up of a vast number of components and systems that operate to keep us healthy and functioning. While those systems normally work automatically, research has shown that we can consciously affect their workings. For example, through the use of special biofeedback techniques, subjects can learn to raise the temperature of their hands to ward off migraines, and others can concentrate to successfully lower blood pressure.

This is possible due to communication between the mind and the body at a subconscious level. If you can accept the idea of mind-body connection and communication, prodromal dreams make sense. The mind is aware that trouble is brewing in the body. Literature is full of people who have actually saved their own lives by paying attention to prodromal dreams, and there are stories of people who have been warned of cancer, heart disease, and other grave illnesses. There’s an adage that says nothing of any consequence happens in your life that hasn’t been previewed in a dream. By getting into the habit of recording and interpreting your dreams, you could possibly save your own life.

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For me this article is a good article however please let Allah do His job, and we should redo' on whatever faith He gives us.

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